List of Projects


Web App (Nov 2020)

  • Developed a time entries app to keep track of how much time is spent on different tasks for different projects for specific dates.
  • Project was developed completely using HTML, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript.


Web, Android and iOS Apps (Jan 2020 – Apr 2020)

  • Developed full-stack applications for reviewing university courses and instructors, in a team of eight members.
  • Project included a responsive web app with ASP.NET (C#) and REST API on server-side and React for client-side along with two mobile apps for both Android and iOS built using Xamarin, allowing cross-platform development with a single shared codebase.
  • Data was stored in a NoSQL database and deployment and continuous integration were handled using Amazon Web Services.

Phase Keeper

Web app (Nov 2019 – Jan 2020)

  • Developed a dynamic score tracking app as a personal project for the Phase 10 gameplay, using React.
  • Set up automated deployment using Netlify and continuous integration using Travis CI for the entire project.

Split It

Web app (May 2019 – July 2019)

  • Developed a bill splitting app as a personal project, using PHP back-end with HTML, CSS and Bootstrap front-end.
  • Designed and implemented responsive web design, modern UI/UX across the application with form handling and validation.

Course Tracker

Android app (Jan 2018 – Apr 2018)

  • Built a complete Android app using Android Studio in a group of five members for the Software Engineering course, that tracks semester progress and predicts a student’s future CGPA based on predicted final grades of current courses.
  • Used Agile software development methodology in three iterations using DRY, LoA, SoC, LoD and PoLA design principles.
  • Implemented a total of 48 Unit, Integration and Acceptance tests to cover all possible user cases.

Activity Tracker

Web app (Sep 2017 – Dec 2017)

  • Built a fully functional fitness tracking web app for the Human-Computer Interaction course in a group of three members.
  • Identified all the stakeholders, performed user research, gathered requirements to create low and high-fidelity prototypes.
  • Performed heuristic evaluations to identify and solve usability problems in the user interface.